Conqu by ASFusion

Conqu For Android Phones Now Available

September 22, 2011 · By Mark Aplet · No Comments

A few weeks ago we promised to release the Android version of Conqu. We intended to make good on that promise. With that being said, Conqu has officially arrived for your Android phone! If you head on over to the android market on your mobile phone, you can download it right now. If your good with that new fangled scanner stuff, you can just scan this QR code and it will take you right to the download page.

Now you have even more ways to manage your tasks with Conqu.

Download Conqu for your Android phone

Tags: Announcements

Desktop & ConquSync Beta

September 15, 2011 · By Mark Aplet · 79 Comments

If you subscribe to our newsletter you should have heard the good news by now. On Monday we announced the release of two new products. Products we know you will love.

To start with, we released the desktop version of Conqu for Mac and Windows. Hooray! We are very excited about adding it to our Conqu family. Judging by the feedback we received so far, those who already tried the desktop version love it!

Equally big news is the release of ConquSync. This is possibly a bigger deal than the desktop application in my opinion. ConquSync is our cloud based synchronization service that allows all of your Conqu devices to sync with one another.

Beta Testing Open Enrollment

Until recently, the desktop version and ConquSync was only used by a small group of private testers. We believe we got most of the kinks worked out of it and feel it's time to open it up for public beta testing.

We would like to extend our invitation to everyone interested in ConquSync to create a free beta account now by going to It takes only 30 seconds, and only requires an email address and password to gain access.

As part of our beta program, the desktop version of Conqu is only available to ConquSync subscribers. Once your beta account has been created, you can log in to from your desktop computer and download the application.

Tags: Announcements · ConquSync

Changes in Shared Tasks

August 30, 2011 · By Laura · No Comments

When we created our sharing feature, we knew that some people were going to use it to be able to have their tasks online. We decided it was fine with us, although it was defeating some of ConquSync's purposes. Doing that, however,  meant that all of their tasks would be placed in the Waiting view. Because of that, we thought that the practice would make Conqu less useful, and not be the experience we wanted people to have while using Conqu. 

Although the practice itself is still fine with us, we need to enforce that a contact's email address is different from the task owner's. The reason is that as we roll out our new ConquSync service, sharing tasks with yourself becomes an issue. Since every current user can potentially subscribe to ConquSync, we need to remove the ability to share with self from everybody.

So if you have tasks that you are sharing with a contact that has the same email address as your own, you should go to settings and specify a different address as your Sharing information. If you don't do that, then the shared tasks will be marked as not shared. 

If you use the sharing feature to be able to access your tasks from anywhere, we highly recommend you to subscribe to ConquSync, which will be released very soon, along with our desktop application. Sign up to our newsletter to be notified!

Tags: Updates

Shared Tasks Gets Archives Tab

August 30, 2011 · By Mark Aplet · No Comments

Thanks in part to the suggestions of our users, we have updated the shared tasks pages to include a new tab for archived tasks. Previously, your archived tasks lived on the same page as your normal tasks. Sure they were grouped and organized to some degree, but we thought we could do better. So now, when you visit your shared tasks page online your completed tasks are separate form your remaining tasks allowing you to focus on what's really important. It's a small change, but one we think will help those with large lists.

Tags: Updates