Conqu by ASFusion

Contexts & Tags

April 04, 2012 · By Mark Aplet ·

If you updated Conqu recently, you may have noticed a few new links in your sidebar. Based on your feedback we added quick links to CONTEXTS and TAGS directly from the sidebar. Now you can drill down into those tasks by group more quickly and easily than before.

This update applies to all platforms. If you do not see these new items in your main list then you still need to update your conqu application.

Tags: Updates


  • I think this is a great feature - thanks.
    However when logging into the web platform ( I cannot see either of these two links.
    Have they not been implemented here?
  • Your correct. The web version has not been updated yet. I believe this is coming real soon. I will need to confirm this with Laura to be certain.
  • I see the context button on the Playbook version, however I can't find a way to add/edit contexts. Ideally, contexts and tags would be two different things.
  • I can't see how to sync with my phone app. Can you please give me a hint?
  • Hi Sven,
    Sorry for the late reply. Your comment was caught as spam. To sync, you need to subscribe (free 14 day trial) to ConquSync. More info at